Ninety-Seven liner

Blaleet’s Cupcake
Synopsis: Reem is a 12 years old girl who adores cooking but the only thing she know to cook is cupcakes , her grandmother gets mad at her and teach her few traditional foods.
Genre: TV\Websites
Theme : Family
Target Audience: Young Adult
Type of animation : 2D animation \ Cel animation
Challenges : We might face problems with connecting with each other since we only have few hours at the school.
Solution: Skyping
Logline : Reem’s grandmother teach her how to make traditional Emarati foods
USP : First the story talks about family gatherings that happens mostly on Fridays, the girl is using her new cooking skills instead of the traditional ones. How her grandma teaches her how to cook the traditional dish so that the traditional dishes never fades in a frame.
Message : This story message is away to tell young kids how to do an Emirati dish instead of foreign once like cupcake when the old people couldn’t be able to eat because its something they’re not familiar with and they also prefer the traditional dishes of course.
Characters :
Name : Reem – Grandma
Age : Reem : 12 Years old
Reem loves to cook and make a cup cake
Refrence :
Khosa Bosah
3 Act structure :
Beginning : Reem’s family decided to gather in her grandma house on Friday because every Friday meant to be for famalies.
Reem wants to surprise them with her cooking skills and she decided to make mini cupcakes.
Middle: When the weekend finaly came and it’s Friday they gathered all together to eat lunch , it’s time fro the desert and have some tea, so Reem served her little cupcakes.
End: Reem’s grandmother wasn’t that happy
About it, because cupcakes is not a traditional dish to eat and she wasn’t used to eat sweet things like cupcakes. Her grandma dragged her to the kitchen to make another dish which is more like a traditional one called “blaleet. Reem and her grandmother happily cooked the “blaleet”
Budget :
Our Equipment:
Laptop : 11,000
Ipad : 2,500
Camera : 2,500